Skiing in Bavaria:
From the train to the slopes
Drei Frauen springen vor Freude über en Winter in die Luft

Relaxing in Bavaria`s thermal baths
Eine Frau liegt auf einer Massageliege und wartet auf eine anstehende Massage

Eyes open, Ears open:
DB Regio Bayern Audio Guide
Werdenfelsbahn mit Frau mit Kopfhörern

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Ideas for your next trip with the train

Exceptional museum hopping on the Main! This walk through the city is perfect for culture lovers.... Vielseitige Theaterkunst, das Zuhause renommierter Dichter und Denker – und das alles mit... Der Untreusee im oberfränkischen Hof bietet erlebnisreiche Action für die ganze Familie oder für... Great cinema in Bavaria! In our short film "Massmenschen", two Martians land on Earth. On his train journey through Bavaria, our protagonist Haudi... From Marktredwitz via castle ruins and through idyllic valleys to the Wunsiedel Birds of Prey Park.... For many, Munich is considered the most beautiful and livable city in the world. This is certainly also due to the inspiring art scene away from... See Regensburg's most impressive sights as part of a tour that is as memorable as it is varied. Das Schloßmuseum Murnau zeigt anhand einer umfangreichen Gemälde-Sammlung, wie Murnau und seine... Not just for travelling through – it's worth getting off and having a look around these four locations. These are the most beautiful stations in... Age-appropriate travel tips for hiking enthusiasts with children in the Ammergau Alps.

Inspiration for a trip with the train

Excursion ideas from the region

From the Allgäu to the Altmühltal: We have put together the most beautiful winter tours in Bavaria for you. A couple of skis, shoes and sticks. That's all you need for cross-country skiing. You can find the most beautiful cross-country skiing routes in... Entertainment, challenges, thrills – you’ll get more than enough of that from these winter destinations in Bavaria

Lieblinge des Monats

Discover Bavaria together!

Explorers Time for everyone: With the Bayern ticket, you and your family can make the trip enjoy relaxed.

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Zwei junge Menschen, die bei Sonnenschein einen Berg hochwandernd

Train travel in Bavaria!

Information about the trip, apps, Luggage service, bicycle transport and much more.

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DB Regio Zug vor Bergpanorama