Großer Alpsee im Winter

Inspiration for your next trip

Winter in Bavaria

Bavaria's multifaceted museums opens up new perspectives that will leave a lasting impression on you. Visit the Bavarian museums on an excursion by... From Bamberg to Weißenburg: We present you the most impressive cultural heritage sites and historical excursion destinations in Bavaria. Are you ready for Bavaria's spookiest places? We have put together a list of scary and beautiful destinations in the Free State that are sure to give...
The DB Regio Bayern Song
DB Regio Song.mp3

Trips and stories from all over Bavaria

Entdecken Sie Bayern in seiner ganzen Vielfalt! Unsere Filmserie zeigt die schönsten, versteckten Ecken und bietet inspirierende Tagesausflüge mit... A day out: From a medieval journey through time to a Riviera feeling, there is something for everyone. We present beautiful places in Bavaria that... From the Inn Valley to Oberammergau - these five tours should definitely be on your list for 2024.

Gemeinsam Bayern entdecken!

Ganz Bayern entdecken: Mit dem Bayern-Ticket einen Tag lang mit bis zu vier Freund:innen entspannt unterwegs sein.

Mehr Ticketinfos
Zwei junge Menschen, die bei Sonnenschein einen Berg hochwandernd

Bahnfahren in Bayern!

Informationen rund um die Fahrt, Apps, Gepäckservice, Fahrradmitnahme und vieles mehr.

Mehr erfahren
DB Regio Zug vor Bergpanorama

The most beautiful trips through Bavaria

In the new episode of "HIN & HÖREN" we go on an adventure tour through the Nuremberg region. Here, mysterious forests meet scary caves. Listen now! For children, a trip to a farm is a great adventure. Already during the journey by train you can get in the mood for the experience and look at farm...

On the road with friends

With the Deutschland-Ticket and the DB Regio Bayern trains, you can easily get to the most beautiful cycling tours in Bavaria. We have put together... Sustainable shopping in Munich goes for every taste & budget. Discover your options now at DB Regio Bayern.