A special party for a special girl or boy

It's your very special day! And here's a special party for you

Give kids variety on their special day. Outdoor activities, museums or indoor playgrounds – all over Bavaria, there are exciting destinations that are ideal for a very different kind of birthday celebration.

Kids love celebrating a birthday somewhere other than at home, and this can also be lots of fun for parents. It's so easy to catch a train to the selected location, where entertainment experts take over every aspect of the organisation.

Located right in the heart of the old town, Nuremberg's toy museum has a range of different activities for children aged 4 and up. There's so much to choose from, and there's even a "horror package" for brave souls aged 8 and over. Visits to the "World in Miniature" section are available for groups of up to 12 children - who get to bring a favourite cuddly toy as their "plus one" (along with parents too). Here, exciting competitions and fun challenges teach children about the world of toys and their history.

If the great outdoors are calling, the Grüntensee climbing wood in the Allgäu region offers an unforgettable outdoor setting for a party. After health and safety training as an introduction, the birthday boy or girl can take 6 friends aged 6-13 up to the high-rise garden in the treetops.

Anyone who wants a roof over their head when celebrating can head to indoor Sport in Fürth. It offers a range of customised action packages with everything that a kid could want for their big day. There are classic activities like mini-golf and beach volleyball, less common pursuits like football billiards and bubble soccer, obstacle courses for hoverboards and a radar for measuring the fastest shots on the football pitch. The venue also makes sure that there's plenty to eat and drink all day long.

The museum workshop at Würzburg's Kulturspeicher culture centre specialises in creative activities. Anyone who has their party here gets to discover exciting works of art and learn what they can do with paintbrushes, clay and other media. The centre puts together different party packages to match its current exhibitions. These give children aged 6 and over the opportunity to build, paint and draw their very own works of art. It is possible to bring your own food and drinks to the Würzburg party venue.

Kind mit Helm im Kletterwald Grüntensee

Climbing with the little ones

The Himalayas are in Bavaria: that's the name of the 15-metre-high course for experienced climbers in the Grüntensee Climbing Forest. Too high for you and certainly nothing for the kids? There are a total of nine other climbing routes and even a slackline course in this high ropes course.
Außenansicht des Kulturspeichers in Würzburg

Kulturspeicher Museum in Würzburg

Located right beside the river Main, the old grain storage facility combines an industrial atmosphere with prize-winning modern architecture. The result: a lively location that forms an impressive setting for art and culture.
Gelbe Bahn im Spielzeugmuseum in Nürnberg

Nuremberg Toy Museum: A journey through the world of play

The Nuremberg Toy Museum takes you into the fascinating world of toys - from the first dolls to modern virtual reality consoles. Here you can experience history and creativity on four floors full of discoveries.
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Kulturspeicher Museum in Würzburg
Nearest station: Würzburg main station Oskar-Laredo-Platz 1
97080 Würzburg
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