Army Museum at the New Castle in Ingolstadt
The castle, sometimes called "Die Neue Veste", already merits a visit just for its sheer size and majestic rooms.
The castle, sometimes called "Die Neue Veste", already merits a visit just for its sheer size and majestic rooms. It is also home to the oldest military history museum in Germany – the Bavarian Army Museum. As early as 1418, Duke Louis VII laid the cornerstone for his castle. It's worth having a look at the website, as the castle often has special exhibitions.
News, prices and opening hours are available here.
New Castle
Paradeplatz 4
85049 Ingolstadt
Paradeplatz 4
85049 Ingolstadt
Nächstgelegener Bahnhof
Ingolstadt Hbf (main station)
Ingolstadt Hbf (main station)
Unser Tipp: Bitte prüfe vor Fahrtantritt Ihre Zugverbindung und die erwartete Auslastung.