Cinemas in Nuremberg: "Meisengeige" and "Casablanca"

Cinemas in Nuremberg: "Meisengeige" and "Casablanca"

Program & Tours
rest stop

The small cinemas have a very special ambience

There's no question about it: the huge "Admiral" and "Cinecitta" cinema complexes have the largest selection of recent films. However, smaller cinemas are rather cosier and have a tad more charm. The Meisengeige – the arts cinema near the "Laufer Schlagturm" gate tower – shows independent films and old silent classics on its two screens. Useful tip: Try to grab a seat up on the balcony. And after the film, you can talk shop in the pub just next door. Thanks to its diverse programme, the Casablanca arts cinema has been recognised by the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media as one of the best cinemas in Germany. The three-screen cinema shows the latest films, film series, short films and documentaries, and lectures and concerts. Useful tip: Afterwards, you can make yourself at home in the cosy cinema pub.

For further information please click here.

The Meisengeige cinema
Am Laufer Schlagturm 3
90403 Nuremberg
Nächstgelegener Bahnhof
Nürnberg Hbf (Nuremberg main station)

Unser Tipp: Bitte prüfe vor Fahrtantritt Ihre Zugverbindung und die erwartete Auslastung.

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