The Roman stronghold in Weißenburg

The Roman stronghold in Weißenburg

City Trip
Historically Relevant
Interesting Facts
rest stop
Hiking Trails

Due to its location right by the limes, the little Middle Franconian town of Weißenburg became a true Roman stronghold.

Due to its location right by the limes, the little Middle Franconian town of Weißenburg became a Roman stronghold. If you want to see everything there is here, you will definitely need a little fortification halfway through. Make a reservation at the “Schwarzer Bär” inn and indulge like they did back in Ancient Rome. Ten original recipes, which were recorded by the gourmet Marcus Gavius Apicius in 25 BC, are used to cook the dishes.

A post-meal stroll takes you to the Römischen Thermen (Roman baths). It doesn’t matter how full you are when you arrive, you won’t have any trouble keeping your head above water. The bathing complex is no longer in operation, but well-maintained nevertheless. Other sites worth visiting include the partially reconstructed Kastell Biriciana Roman fort as well as the RömerMuseum (Roman museum) and the Bavarian limes information centre.

If you want to follow in the footsteps of the Romans, then hop on a 616 bus towards Burgsalach at Weißenburg station. The Römererlebnispfad (Roman experience trail) begins by the village’s sports ground. The two routes with a hiking time of two-and-a-half or four hours, and a combined length of 18 kilometres, lead along the limes World Heritage Site and the Roman road running parallel. Eleven stops, including numerous display boards, the foundation walls of a soldiers’ barracks, as well as a reconstructed wooden tower, provide cultural enrichment along the way.


81781 Weißenburg
Nächstgelegener Bahnhof
Weißenburg (Bayern)

Unser Tipp: Bitte prüfe vor Fahrtantritt Ihre Zugverbindung und die erwartete Auslastung.

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