The Augsburg Zoo

The Augsburg Zoo

family friendly
Program & Tours
rest stop

From the savannah enclosure to the tropical house to the domestic petting zoo - Augsburg Zoo offers visitors many animal encounters in the middle of idyllic parkland.

In the city and at the same time in the middle of greenery: Augsburg Zoo is idyllically nestled in the parks at the northern end of Augsburg's Siebentischwald forest. Whether green tree pythons, Persian leopards or a group of flamingos: birds and quadrupeds from all over the world have a home at Augsburg Zoo, as do native beavers and bears. Of course, the zoo's own kids and guinea pigs in the petting zoo are particularly popular with children. A total of around 1,200 animals from over 240 species live in Augsburg Zoo.

Safari, Madagascar and the Alps - in the middle of Swabia

In the Africa Panorama, in the south of the zoo, visitors can pay a visit to the big and small inhabitants of the savannah. Zebras, rhinos, meerkats and ostriches live here in close proximity - separated only by moats. If you want to visit the king of the savannah, however, you have to go to the other end of the park. Here the lions are housed in a separate enclosure with indoor and outdoor areas. Next door, a hill has been built for the Alpine Ibex and Daghestanian Ture, where the mountain animals can climb, graze or simply lie in the sun. There are also many other things to discover in the zoo, such as a chimpanzee house and separate halls with regulated climate and light conditions for tropical and nocturnal animals. Pythons, adders, turtles and lizards live in the reptile house. In the free-flight aviary, visitors can get a close-up view of a wide variety of bird species; for example lapwings, herons and mountain ducks. The zoo is particularly proud of its calicoes. The playful primates have their own walk-through enclosure where they frolic unhindered above visitors' heads - the particularly trusting members of the group sometimes even play directly on visitors' paths.

Experience the zoo with experts

For groups of visitors, the zoo offers a wide range of guided tours in German and English, for both children and adults. These give an in-depth insight into the work of the keepers and the history of the zoo and provide interesting information on the subject of nature and species conservation as well as exciting stories and anecdotes about the zoo and its inhabitants. Evening and morning tours also take place at regular intervals, focusing on the zoo's many crepuscular inhabitants, such as the sumatran tigers or the bush babies.

Which animal roar is compared to the voice of God in the Bible? And what are the backgrounds of various biblical animal stories? Another guided tour looks at animals and their significance in the Bible. Important: Especially in summer, the zoo tours are booked up quickly, so visitors should definitely book in good time.

Visiting your favourite animal

For all those who want to observe their four-legged favourites from more than just a distance, Augsburg Zoo offers a very special experience. As part of the "Visit to the Favourite Animal" programme, the zoo organises an individual look behind the scenes. Together with a trained animal keeper, the tour first goes to the feed kitchen. Then a visit to the stables of the chosen favourite animal is on the programme: an animal experience of a special kind. Depending on the temperament and species of the favourite animal, direct contact is even possible here. Whether seals, tigers or hummingbirds - the zoo makes an encounter with almost every animal in the park possible.

Please note: The programme is very popular and some areas are already fully booked several weeks in advance. Penguins and brown bears also cannot be visited during the breeding or hibernation periods. All information on prices and registration can be found here.

For those who don't want to take part in feeding the animals themselves, the zoo offers regular public animal feedings. In the afternoons, keepers climb into the pelicans' and seals' enclosures with buckets full of fish and have the animals perform little tricks in exchange for the treats.

A short break in the zoo restaurant

If you're feeling peckish afterwards, there are plenty of little kiosks around the zoo offering snacks and drinks. When the weather is nice, visitors can enjoy coffee and cake or Swabian home cooking at moderate prices in the shady beer garden. On cooler days, a visit indoors is recommended in the charming inn atmosphere. For children, there is a large adventure playground right next door with a pirate ship and a climbing tower made of natural wood.

Current information, admission prices and opening hours can be found here.

By the way: Directly opposite the zoo is the Augsburg Botanical Garden with around 3,100 different plant species from all over the world. Drop by if you're already in the vicinity!


From the train station "Augsburg Haunstetterstraße" it is still a short walk of 20 minutes to the zoo. After leaving the station heading south, first follow the pedestrian path along Haunstetter Straße. After about 300 metres, turn left and cross Haunstetter Straße at the traffic lights. You are now on Frischstraße. Follow this road for 500 metres. On your right is the Siebentischwald, where the zoo is also located. Enter the park via Professor-Steichbacher-Straße. After 600 metres, turn left onto Dr.-Ziegenspeck-Weg and follow this until you reach the entrance to the zoo on your right.

Our extra tip for children

If you've always wanted to ride a really old steam locomotive like Luke the Engine Driver, Augsburg Zoo is the place to be. Here the Zoobähnle, a miniature steam locomotive, runs through the children's zoo on a specially built route. The Zoobähnle only runs at weekends and during holidays. So plan your visit well!

Augsburg Zoo
Brehmplatz 1
86161 Augsburg
Nächstgelegener Bahnhof

Unser Tipp: Bitte prüfen Sie vor Fahrtantritt Ihre Zugverbindung und die erwartete Auslastung.

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