5 quirky courses – from a beer diploma to a Weißwurst (traditional white Bavarian sausage) seminar

There's always something new to know – for example, that learning can be really fun.

There's always something new to know – for example, that learning can be really fun. Every true Bavarian (or everyone that wants to pass as one) should have visited these five courses –

For thirsty folk: would you like to know the exact reason why your favourite beer is so tasty? If...
For those with a sweet tooth: instead of hearty Bavarian fare, this macaron course is all about...
For traditionalists: master butcher and chef Norbert Wittmann founded the Weißwurst-Akademie...
For heavy hitters: dive into the world of blacksmithing at the Mühlgassn-Schmiede forge in Kissing...
For big kids: both little and big kids can have a go at operating monster excavators, wheel loaders...
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Blacksmithing course
Nearest station: Kissing Augsburger Straße 15
86438 Kissing
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