Frühlingswiese vor Bergpanorama mit Seilbahn, die den Berg hochgezogen wird

Action and relaxation: an Allgäu holiday has it all

Impressive mountain worlds meet wild rivers: discover the diverse Allgäu!

Impressive mountain ranges like in Patagonia. Deep blue lakes like in Canada. Historic towns like in France: the Allgäu is rich in highlights. With its grandiose peaks and unspoilt nature, the region is a magnet for hikers and simply everyone looking for relaxation in great scenery. And best of all: the whole thing is only a train ride away.

You want to get up high? Off to the high mountains!
If you want to get a real breath of mountain air, take the regional train to Oberstdorf. From the station you can reach the Oberstdorf Kleinwalsertal Bergbahnen on foot or by bus. Take the cable car up to lofty heights, go on a high mountain hike, enjoy fantastic views of the mountains, try delicious Allgäu specialities such as Krautkrapfen or Speckknödel in a hut - this is how a holiday from everyday life works!

Canyon feeling in the middle of Bavaria
A gorge hike is an unforgettable nature experience for young and old. For a real canyon feeling, you don't have to travel far, but only as far as Garmisch. From there, there are two wildly romantic gorges to choose from: the Partnachklamm and the Höllentalklamm. The starting points for both canyons can be reached from Garmisch railway station either by bus and train or on foot: the exact directions for the Partnachklamm can be found here, and for the description of the Höllentalklamm go this way. Bizarre rock formations, mighty waterfalls and winding paths, footbridges, bridges and tunnels make a gorge hike an extraordinary hiking event. Tip: Even in summer, you can get quite wet there, so be sure to pack rain gear in your backpack!

Brücke über eine Klamm

Like in the Andes - hiking with alpacas
Anyone who has tried it knows: a walk with alpacas is pure relaxation and wellness for the soul. Fortunately, you don't have to travel to the Andes of South America for an extended hike with the gentle animals. Alpaca trekking tours are also offered in the Allgäu, for example in Pfronten.

Alpaka, das auf Gras kaut

Kayak rafting - wild water fun
Are you drawn to the water? With its many rivers, the Allgäu is made for exciting adventures around the cool water. For example, from Sonthofen you will find numerous opportunities to get active on the water. How about a kayak rafting tour on the lower Iller? A great experience to get close to the impressive nature of the Allgäu. After about two hours on the water you will reach Immenstadt. From there you can easily start your return journey by train.

It is not necessary to go far away to get that holiday feeling. Who needs Patagonia when the good things are all around.

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