Gedeckter Frühstückstisch mit gekochtem Ei, Orangensaft, Käseplatte und Croissants

Breakfast Club – four breakfasts for connoisseurs

Perfect if you're not a morning person – getting up in the morning is much easier if you've got a breakfast at these gorgeous places to look forward to. So climb out of bed and get yourself to the station!

Perfect if you're not a morning person – getting up in the morning is much easier if you've got a breakfast at these gorgeous places to look forward to. So climb out of bed and get yourself to the station!

In Munich, you can order your luxury breakfast complete with picnic equipment.
Experience fresh and regional products in a historic setting. The "Kloster Holzen" in Allmannshofen...
Every Sunday, visitors are enticed to Brombachsee lake for a three-hour brunch boat ride on the MS...
You can enjoy a wonderful Sunday buffet while gliding gently along the Danube, starting in Passau.
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Holzen Monastery
Nearest railway station: Nordendorf Klosterstraße 1
86695 Allmannshofen
Learn more
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