Bavaria from beneath – discover caves in Bavaria

Time for a change of perspective – because Bavaria has plenty to offer under the surface as well.

Time for a change of perspective – because Bavaria has plenty to offer under the surface as well. Children find trips underground particularly exciting. And the good thing for stressed adults – there's no more peaceful place than a cave in Bavaria.

There are more than 1,000 caves in Franconian Switzerland. The most well-known and most accessible...
The largest stalactite in Germany. You certainly won't want for things to see in the Maximilian...
Mining has a long tradition in the Allgäu. This is why an entire museum village has been created...
Below the town hall, 15 prison cells show how prisoners fared in the 14th century. In the Middle...
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Adventure world on the Grünten near Burgberg in the Allgäu
Nearest railway station: Sonthofen Grüntenstraße 2
87545 Burgberg in the Allgäu
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