Experience tradition in Bavaria

The real Bavaria is more than simply dancing on the tables at Oktoberfest and men in lederhosen. Real Bavarians therefore shouldn't miss out on the chance to experience these six traditions.

The real Bavaria is more than simply dancing on the tables at Oktoberfest and men in lederhosen. Crafts, music, local dress – centuries-old traditions are upheld in Bavaria. If you're interested, you shouldn't miss out on the chance to experience these six traditions:

Even if you can't sing, the maestro will promise to teach you to "yodel from the heart" in his...
If you're already equipped with Lederhosen and strong calves, then you're ready for a...
Take a trip to the "Sennerei Lehern" showroom and watch cheese-making experts at work as they...
Visit the Costume Museum in Holzhausen and find out what a real Bavarian costume ("Tracht") looks...
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Nearest station: Lenggries Latschenkopf 5
83658 Lenggries-Brauneck
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