Llamas, wolves and camels – wild animals in Bavaria

Pigs, sheep and cows? Forget it! There are some really unusual creatures in Bavaria. You can find out where here.

Pigs, sheep and cows? Forget it! There are some really unusual creatures in Bavaria – namely (amongst other things) wolves, reptiles and llamas. You can find out where these wild animals can be seen in Bavaria here:

Nahaufnahme eines Lamas, das Gräser kaut

Llama trekking near GroĂźhelfendorf

If you get off at GroĂźhelfendorf, you don't have to walk a quarter of an hour to get to know the exotic sides of Upper Bavaria.
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Nahaufnahme von einem Kamel

You'll be sure not to have the hump when riding one of these magnificent creatures

Camel riding in the Mangfall valley? Absolutely! If you arrive with the S-Bahn, you can even get picked up right from the station. By the camel itself.
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Nahaufnahme eines grauen Wolfs

Wolves at the WildPark Tambach castle

Cows, pigs, goats – boooooooring. There are a lot of exotic animals to discover in Bavaria. We will tell you where.
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Zwei Esel auf einer Weide nebeneinander, einer davon zeigt die Zähne und reckt den Kopf in die Höhe

Travelling through the Labertal valley with pack mules

The pack animals carry your belongings, of course, and you will appreciate this the further into the trip you are.
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Nahaufnahme eines grünen Chamäleons

Admire reptiles in Oberammergau

Snakes, lizards, tortoises and poison dart frogs – over 135 animals live at the Reptilienhaus Oberammergau reptile house.
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Nahaufnahme zweier Papageien, die sich an den Schnäbeln berühren

Wild birds in Olching

You can see about 500 birds from all over the world in aviaries, pavilions, pond areas and outdoor enclosures.
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1 / 6
Nearest station: Aying Kamelhof 1
83626 Grub/Valley
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