Restaurant "Alte Veste": A melting pot of flavours

Restaurant "Alte Veste": A melting pot of flavours

Historically Relevant
family friendly
Interesting Facts
rest stop

This is a place where everything unites: the traditional and the modern, East and West, and the sweet and the spicy. Very appropriate for the spirit of our time.

Although the flavours seem debatable at first, they actually combine fantastically well. This is a place where everything unites: the traditional and the modern, East and West, and the sweet and the spicy. Very appropriate for the spirit of our time. The restaurant "Alte Veste" adds a modern sense of the Far East in the middle of a lush green landscape, high above the roofs of Zirndorf. It's a true feast for your eyes and your taste buds, so much in fact that you'll be postponing your trip to the other "Alte Veste". The original Alte Veste was a town quarter, situated at the highest point of the Rosenberg mountain to the north of Zirndorf. What remains is a watch tower, surrounded by ruins. Finally, you can stretch your legs on the five-kilometre hike back to Fürth main station. 

For further information please click here.

Alte Veste
Alte Veste 2
90513 Zirndorf
Next station
Alte Veste

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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