"Subbalegga did it!": At the old Simpl in Erlangen

"Subbalegga did it!": At the old Simpl in Erlangen

rest stop

Right next to the railway station, the Alte Simpl in Erlangen has everything Franconian cuisine has to offer on the menu: Blaue Zipfel, Schäuferle and more.

Less than ten minutes from the railway station to the east, the Alter Simpl serves everything Franconian cuisine has to offer: Blaue Zipfel, Schäuferle, Stadtwurst with music, Griebenschmalzbrot and much more at reasonable prices. The restaurant itself is also a highlight. Whether ski hut, drinking parlour, oven parlour, doll parlour or Bembel parlour - every corner here is something special.

Current information, the menu and opening times can be found here.

Old Simpl
Bohlenplatz 2
91054 Erlangen
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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