Beer at Andechs Monastery

Beer at Andechs Monastery

rest stop
Art of brewing
Hiking Trails
Historically Relevant

Andechs Monastery with its bell tower is situated on the east bank of the Ammersee lake. Beer has been brewed here for more than half a millennium.

Andechs Monastery with its bell tower that can be seen from far and wide, is situated by the eastern banks of the Ammersee lake. Beer has been brewed here for more than half a millennium. You can enjoy said beer in the beer garden of the "Andechser BrĂ€ustĂŒberl" brewery, for example. You can accompany it with either a snack brought from home or the hearty delicacies from the brewery itself. The short walk to the monastery from Herrsching station is worth taking.

Andechs Monastery
Bergstraße 2
82346 Andechs
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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