Tradition meets modernity: the Augustiner Schützengarten in Munich

Tradition meets modernity: the Augustiner Schützengarten in Munich

Art of brewing
rest stop
family friendly

Although the Augustiner Schützengarten in Munich is truly huge with 3,000 seats, the atmosphere remains informal and cosy.

The Augustiner Schützengarten combines Bavarian tradition with a modern, cosy atmosphere and is just a short walk from Thalkirchen and the popular Flaucher recreational area. Locals and guests alike meet here and enjoy the charm of this traditional beer garden.

A beer garden for the whole family

Although the Augustiner Schützengarten is impressively large with 3,000 seats, the atmosphere here is informal and relaxed. Children in particular get their money's worth here: a separate playground and a spacious meadow offer young guests plenty of space to run around and play while the adults sit together in a cosy atmosphere.

How to get to the Schützengarten

The beer garden is easy to reach on foot from Munich-Mittersendling S-Bahn station - after just a few hundred metres you will see the imposing white manor house, the heart of the Schützengarten. If you like walking, you can also stroll from Thalkirchen or Flaucher through the green countryside and enjoy Munich's nature before stopping off at the Schützengarten.

Tradition and hospitality

The Schützengarten is particularly worth a visit on Sundays. When the weather is fine, the Unterbrunn brass band provides a special ambience with traditional music and makes a visit to the beer garden a special experience. And as is customary in Bavaria, you can of course bring your own snacks. However, those who prefer to enjoy something on the spot will find a large selection of Bavarian specialities and, of course, the classic Augustiner beer.

Practical information

Current information, prices and opening times can be found on the Augustiner Schützengarten website .

Augustiner Schützengarten in Munich
Zielstattstraße 6
81379 Munich
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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