Balloon flight above the Upper Palatinate

Balloon flight above the Upper Palatinate

photo spot
Experience with action

Also for people with a fear of flying: A balloon flight above Bavaria is perfect for anyone who wants a relaxing journey without engine noise.

A balloon flight is perfect for anyone who wants a relaxing journey without engine noise. The Regensburger Dultplatz is one place where you can lift off, weather-permitting of course. The flight centre "Flugzentrum Bayerwald" also has a number of other take-off locations, for example in Landshut and Passau. During the summer, balloon flights take place in the early morning and late afternoon, due to thermal columns. In the winter, flights are normally possible throughout the day.

News, prices and flight dates are available here.

Regensburger Dultplatz
Dultplatz 3
93059 Regensburg
Next station
Regensburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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