Learn to weave at the Lichtenfels Korbmarkt (basket market)

Learn to weave at the Lichtenfels Korbmarkt (basket market)

All ages
For groups
Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
Crafts, DIY and Courses

The little town situated on the Upper Main river is the wicker capital of Germany. If you would like to weave your own basket, you can learn from the local artisans.  

The little town situated on the Upper Main river is the wicker capital of Germany. Germany’s only technical college for basket weaving is located here. Once a year, weavers from all over the world gather at the traditional Korbmarkt (basket market) in Lichtenfels.

If you would like to weave your own basket, you can learn from the local artisans.  

If you would like to learn more about the history of the weaving tradition in the region, you can visit the basket museum in the neighbouring town of Michelau.

Basket city Lichtenfels
Marktplatz 10
96215 Lichtenfels
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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