24 beer cellars in Forchheim

24 beer cellars in Forchheim

Art of brewing
rest stop

Important fact: When you go for a drink in one of the many beer cellars in Franconia, you don't go "down into" the cellar but rather "off to" the cellar.

Important fact, part 2: When you go for a drink in one of the many beer cellars in Franconia, you don't go "down into" the cellar but rather "off to" the cellar.  This is because in the past, beer cellars were often built into the mountain to keep the beer cool in the summer. Then you'd go "off to" the beer gardens built on the slopes over the cellars. In some places, this is even still the case, such as in the "Forchheimer Kellerwald". Believe it or not, this forest has no fewer than 24 beer cellars.

Forchheimer Kellerwald
Untere Kellerstraße 64
91301 Forchheim
Next station
Forchheim (Oberfranken)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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