Beer and culture in Upper Franconia

Beer and culture in Upper Franconia

City Trip
Gardens and parks
Art of brewing
rest stop

Beer tour from Coburg to Rödental: Quench your thirst in the myriad of beer gardens and beer cellars along the way.

Why not combine beer with a bit of culture? This tour in western Upper Franconia first takes you through the picturesque little town of Coburg, with its Castle Square, Rose Garden and castle "Veste Coburg". Then you continue on to a woodland trail through Oeslau and on to Rödental. Along the way, you can quench your thirst in the myriad of beer gardens and beer cellars.

Coburg station
Lossaustraße 6A
96450 Coburg
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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