Beer seminars in Kulmbach or Bayreuth

Beer seminars in Kulmbach or Bayreuth

Art of brewing
Interesting Facts
Crafts, DIY and Courses
For Adults

For thirsty folk: would you like to know the exact reason why your favourite beer is so tasty? If so, the beer seminar in Kulmbach or Bayreuth is just the thing for you.

Would like to stand out amongst the regulars at the pub? Or to know the exact reason why your favourite beer is do tasty? Then a beer seminar is just the thing for you.

At the brewery museum in Kulmbach, the museum’s master brewer will impart the secrets of beer brewing to you – right there in the show brewery. Historical knowledge, culinary information and other interesting facts about beer are given on top. As a reward for your eagerness to learn, you will receive the "Bayerische Bierkenner Diplom" (Bavarian beer connoisseur diploma) and real Kulmbach beer samples to take home.

At the brewery museum in Bayreuth, you will have a tour through Maisel’s Bier Erlebnis Welt (Maisel’s beer adventure world) and a replenishing snack, after which the beer sommelier will show you the correct way to taste the beer, as well as evaluate it by aroma, taste and appearance.

Both courses come with the chance to thoroughly try the beer – for educational purposes, of course. Travelling by train means you receive a discount on entry fees from both museums – plus you won’t need to nominate a designated driver.

Beer seminar in Kulmbach
Hofer Straße 20
95326 Kulmbach
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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