The Bratwurstglöcklein in the Handwerkerhof in Nuremberg

The Bratwurstglöcklein in the Handwerkerhof in Nuremberg

rest stop

The Handwerkerhof Nuremberg opens its doors just a few steps away from the main railway station. A piece of Franconian history awaits you here with lively craftsmanship and authentic specialities such as Nuremberg grilled sausages in the Bratwurstglöcklein.

Historical ambience in the Handwerkerhof

Behind the mighty sandstone walls of the historic "Waffenhof", you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a medieval town. Restored half-timbered houses, narrow alleyways and workshops characterise the picture. Craftsmen such as pewterers, goldsmiths and doll makers have been demonstrating their art here since 1971. Visitors can look over their shoulders and purchase high-quality products directly on site.

Culinary highlights in the Bratwurstglöcklein

At the heart of the Handwerkerhof is the Bratwurstglöcklein. The Nuremberg grilled sausages, made according to a recipe that has been handed down since 1313, are freshly prepared here on the wood-fired grill. "Six with cabbage, please!". They are served on traditional pewter plates, accompanied by sauerkraut, potato salad or farmhouse bread. The selection of Franconian beers and wines complements the dishes and emphasises the regional character.

A short break in the centre of Nuremberg

With its half-timbered houses, cobblestones and workshops, the Handwerkerhof offers an authentic atmosphere. The combination of historical surroundings and culinary delights makes it a special destination for a stopover or a short tour of discovery right at the entrance to the old town, the Königstor.

Your visit to the Handwerkerhof

The Handwerkerhof can be reached quickly from the main railway station and is ideal for experiencing traditional Franconian craftsmanship and cuisine. Plan your visit to the Handwerkerhof on your next trip to Nuremberg.

Bratwurst bells
Waffenhof 6
90402 Nuremberg
Next station
Nürnberg Hbf (Nuremberg main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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