Cabin "Brunnenkopf"

Cabin "Brunnenkopf"

Historically Relevant
rest stop
Overnight Stay

Cabin "Brunnenkopf" has everything you need to relax and unwind: a picturesque backdrop and proximity to the wide-open sky.

The way to this rustic little cabin is along a path from Linderhof Palace. It takes around an hour and a half, but is easily managed by adults and children alike. Ludwig II, Bavaria's fairytale king, was particularly fond of its location. In fact, he would often climb the mountain and spend the night here. These days, cabin Brunnenkopf provides comfortable accommodation, splendid views of the Ammer mountains – the largest nature reserve in Bavaria – and serves the famous Bavarian dessert "Kaiserschmarrn" (shredded pancakes). Musically inclined guests will also delight in finding guitars and accordions in their rooms, so that evenings in the cabin take on that extra dash of authenticity. Another highlight is the swing with a panoramic view over the valley. Cabin Brunnenkopf is open from mid-May to mid-October.


82488 Ettaler Forst
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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