The Levi Strauss Museum in Buttenheim

The Levi Strauss Museum in Buttenheim

Interesting Facts

Are jeans American? No, sirree, this popular garment has its roots in Upper Franconia.

Are jeans American? No, sirree, this popular garment has its roots in Upper Franconia. The inventor, Levi Strauss, was actually from Buttenheim near Bamberg. The house in which he was born has since become a museum. While the basement of the former family home focuses on the biography of the inventor of jeans and the life of Jewish inhabitants in Franconia in the 19th century, the first floor is dedicated to the famous trousers and the development of the jeans industry. If you would like a souvenir after the tour, the museum shop will definitely have something you’ll enjoy. It offers small keepsakes, specialist literature and, of course, jeans – even on Sundays and bank holidays. The best thing is that presenting your train ticket means you receive an entry discount.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Special exhibitions

15.05.2024 to 15.02.2025


Time period: 15.05.2024 to 15.02.2025


MarktstraĂźe 31-33
96155 Buttenheim

Opening times:
Nur nach Vereinbarung geöffnet
15.10.2024 bis 15.10.2024


CC BY 4.0 Landesstelle fĂĽr die nichtstaatlichen Museen in Bayern

Buttenheim Levi Strauss Museum
MarktstraĂźe 31-33
96155 Buttenheim
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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