Majestic cabin magic near Unterammergau

Majestic cabin magic near Unterammergau

rest stop
Historically Relevant

The August-Schuster-Haus, which is also called Pürschlinghaus, is a cabin situated above Schloss Linderhof palace at a height of 1,564 metres.

The August Schuster house, which is also called Pürschlinghaus, is situated above Schloss Linderhof palace (pictured) at a height of 1,564 metres. It previously served as a hunting cabin for the Bavarian king, Maximilian II, the father of Ludwig II, the “Fairy Tale King”. Today, its wild and romantic location makes it a very popular destination for hikers. With the exception of April and November, the cabin is in operation year-round. From Unterammergau, it is a two-hour hike to get there.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

82497 Unterammergau
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Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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