Camping on the island of Buchau: A paradise on Lake Staffelsee

Camping on the island of Buchau: A paradise on Lake Staffelsee

Overnight Stay
swimming possibility

No traffic noise, no caravans. Just water, trees and grass. The island of Buchau on Lake Staffelsee is a paradise for camping aficionados.

No traffic noise, no caravans. Just water, trees and grass. The island of Buchau on Lake Staffelsee is a paradise for camping aficionados (bring your own tent or rent one on site) and for anyone dreaming of a holiday in the midst of untouched nature. To get there, just catch a "Staffelsee Motorschifffahrt" ferry from Murnau to the island. After that, all you need to do is to hammer your tent pegs into the ground. There is also a restaurant on the island, run by the host, Paul Sedlmaier, who makes sure that no one goes hungry. By the way, Lake Staffelsee is not only one of the warmest lakes in Bavaria but is also supposed to have a healing effect, due to its marshy waters.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Buchau Island
Johannisstraße 16
82418 Seehausen am Staffelsee
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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