Blood and thunder: Inspector "Kluftinger" crime scenes in Kempten

Blood and thunder: Inspector "Kluftinger" crime scenes in Kempten

Culturally Important
Program & Tours

Kempten is the setting of the popular German novels and TV series "Hauptkommissar Kluftinger", in which Chief Inspector Kluftinger always had his hands full.

If you thought that the Allgäu was a tranquil place, think again! Kempten is the setting of the popular German novels and TV series "Hauptkommissar Kluftinger", in which Chief Inspector Kluftinger always had his hands full. Why not follow in his footsteps and join a guided tour? On the two-hour tour, you'll be guided through the inner town past film locations, and be read passages from the detective stories. Useful tip: If you book in advance, after the walk you'll be able to enjoy a dish of "Kässpatzen" (a traditional regional cheesy dish) – just like Chief Inspector Kluftinger used to eat. Booking yourself on to the tour is a must!

For further information please click here

Kempten Residence
Residenzplatz 4
87435 Kempten
Next station
Kempten (Allgäu) Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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