City lido in Landshut

City lido in Landshut

family friendly
swimming possibility
Experience with action
Relaxation & Wellness

A lido for the water-shy? This is the place.

People who don't really like water can happily tag along with friends going to the Landshut lido, as there's a huge amount for them to do as well: a zip line, a climbing frame, a carousel, a dry slide, a wet-sand playground, a basketball court and beach volleyball courts. Meanwhile, the water lovers in the group can find fun in the five different pools and the 80-metre long water slide.

For further information please click here.

City lido in Landshut
Dammstraße 28
84034 Landshut
Next station
Landshut (Bayern) Süd

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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