The Augsburg Cathedral and its courtyard garden

The Augsburg Cathedral and its courtyard garden

Gardens and parks
Architectural Highlight
rest stop

Art history, stained glass and garden art: there is a lot to discover in Augsburg Cathedral and the neighbouring Hofgarten.

You can see it from afar: Augsburg Cathedral. Its two bell towers rise 62 metres into the sky. The origins of the cathedral can be traced back to the eighth century. Today, the episcopal cathedral is an imposing and unmistakable building, characterised by a wide variety of art-historical epochs and styles.

Discover the art of glass in Augsburg Cathedral

Inside the cathedral, visitors can admire around 900 years of glass art. The graceful Marian window in the north aisle, for example, dates back to the 15th century, while the five luminous prophet windows in the nave were created as early as the 12th century and are considered a highlight of German High Romanesque art. There is so much to discover in the cathedral, and to make sure you don't miss anything, it's worth taking a professional guided tour: in addition to the traditional tours, the church also offers a virtual tour via tablet and smartphone.

Stroll through the idyllic courtyard garden

A lovely addition to a visit to the cathedral is a subsequent walk through the courtyard garden. Once part of the prince-bishops' residence, it is now open to the general public. Nevertheless, the small, idyllic park - with baroque and rococo influences - is still a real insider tip today. Particularly beautiful: the large fountain and the water lily pond with ornamental fish and water turtles. If you have a little more time to spare, browse through the open bookcase and then find a cosy park bench.

Bavarian cuisine at the traditional inn "Bayerisches Haus am Dom"

Want to finish off with a bite to eat? The traditional inn "Bayerisches Haus am Dom " right next to the cathedral offers good Bavarian cuisine at moderate prices. If you're hungry, don't worry: The restaurant is known for its large portions. In summer, you can also sit in the in-house beer garden.

You can find the latest information and opening times here.

Travelling to Augsburg Cathedral

Leave Augsburg main station in a north-westerly direction and after 170 metres turn left onto Frölichstraße. Follow this road for 600 metres. Turn right onto Volkhartstraße, after 68 metres turn left again onto Kasernstraße and follow it for 130 metres. Here the street changes its name and is now called Beim Hafnerberg. After about 50 metres, you enter the Fronhof through a gate. The courtyard garden is on your left. Continue to the cathedral via the Fronhof and through the gate at number 8. Follow the path through the park and after 260 metres turn left onto Hoher Weg. The entrance to the cathedral is on your left after 40 metres.

(c) - Bernhard Huber - Hofgarten
(c) - Bernhard Huber - Hofgarten
(c) - Bernhard Huber - Hofgarten
(c) Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH, Christine Pemsl - Augsburger Dom
Augsburg Cathedral
Frauentorstraße 2
86152 Augsburg
Next station
Augsburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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