Therme Erding thermal bath in Munich: grand and inviting

Therme Erding thermal bath in Munich: grand and inviting

rest stop
family friendly
swimming possibility
Indoors and outdoors
Relaxation & Wellness

Therme Erding thermal bath's opening glass roofs can be seen from afar. The 18.5-hectare facility offers relaxation, fun and excitement for the entire family.

Therme Erding thermal bath's opening glass roofs can be seen from afar. The 18.5-hectare facility – which is larger than 25 football pitches – offers tranquillity, relaxation, fun adventure and excitement for the entire family: 31 saunas and steam rooms, 27 swimming pools, the new wave pool and the largest water slide facility in Europe, with 26 slides. Think you’ll get through it all in just one day? Virtually impossible, but you can always come back. From Altenerding S-Bahn station, either take the 550 or the 560 bus (Monday to Friday) or the 570 bus at the weekend, or walk (approximately 10 minutes).

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Therme Erding thermal bath
Thermenallee 2
85435 Erding
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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