“Der kleine Bauernhof” farm in Feuchtwangen

“Der kleine Bauernhof” farm in Feuchtwangen

family friendly
Country Living
Animals & Nature

Pitch in at the "Der kleine Bauernhof" farm – here is where all your “Little House on the Prairie” fantasies come true.

“Little House on the Prairie” comes to life here: “Der kleine Bauernhof” farm in Feuchtwangen is the perfect place for families with children. The little ones can help out with feeding, milking and mucking out the cows – and sample the fresh milk as well. Your child is guaranteed to be in their element when the three horses can be saddled and they are allowed to cuddle the two pygmy goats. The Keim family (which runs the farm) picks up guests from Dombühl or Steinach station by request.

Der kleine Bauernhof farm (Feuchtwangen)
Gehrenberg 8a
91555 Feuchtwangen
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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