Fitness trails in Munich

Fitness trails in Munich

Workout Opportunity

Training strength and dexterity for free in Munich? No problem on the fitness trails which are spread out around parks and green spaces in the city.

Training strength and dexterity for free and in the middle of Munich? No problem on the public fitness trails which are spread out around parks and green spaces in the city. They are suitable for beginners, intermediate users and experts; every station has three difficulty levels. On the trails in the Isar river meadows you can even get a true countryside atmosphere while exercising in the city. The easiest way to reach this fitness paradise is to take the U-Bahn to “Candidplatz” (U1) or “Brudermühlstraße” (U3). It takes about a quarter of an hour to reach it from Marienplatz.

Fitness trails, Isar river meadows

81543 Munich
Next station
München Marienplatz

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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