The Frankenweg: the most fascinating route in the region

The Frankenweg: the most fascinating route in the region

Hiking Trails
Workout Opportunity
rest stop

Just follow the red signposts. That's all you have to do if you're venturing off along the "Frankenweg". The 500-kilometre route stretches from the Franconian Forest to the AltmĂŒhl valley.

Just follow the red signposts. That's all you have to do if you're venturing off along the much-acclaimed "Frankenweg". The 500-kilometre route winds from the Franconian Forest through to the AltmĂŒhl Valley Nature Park. The stretch that runs between Kronach and Kulmbach is ideal for long-distance runners. Starting at the birthplace of the German painter, Lucas Cranach the Elder, it winds through a breathtaking mountainous landscape and picturesque river valleys, through Fröschbrunn to Kulmbach. At the end, you can reward your efforts with stunning views and Franconian delicacies from the impressive "Rosenberg" fortress or the "Zum Fröschbrunna" guest house.

Bahnhofsplatz 6
96317 Kronach
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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