Fünf-Seidla-Steig®: hike through the homeland of Franconia's speciality beers

Fünf-Seidla-Steig®: hike through the homeland of Franconia's speciality beers

Hiking Trails
Art of brewing
rest stop
Interesting Facts

Forests and fields, great beer and irresistible food: Franconian Switzerland is home to the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® hiking trail that takes you through a beautiful landscape as you visit local breweries.

First things first. If you want half a litre of beer in Bavaria, you normally ask for a Halbe. Not in northern Bavaria: here, you have to say Seidla. This is where the trekking route gets its name. The "five Seidla trail" links five privately operated breweries, with lovely beer gardens and cosy taverns. Perfect for rest stops, they serve up traditional regional beers, seasonal specialities and local cuisine to hikers in need of a pick-me-up.

Speciality beers from Gräfenberg and Weissenohe

Gräfenberg is a historic little town with medieval gates, narrow alleys and four taverns if you want a Seidla of something to quench your thirst. Family-run brewery Familienbrauerei Friedmann serves its products in Bräustüberl and the beer garden of the town's castle. Other traditional inns with their own beers and excellent prices are Thuisbrunner Elchbräu, Brauerei Hofmann and Lindenbräu. The village of Weissenohe is home to the Klosterbrauerei brewery, with rustic interiors and an idyllic beer garden that are wonderful places to rest for a bit.

Fünf-Seidla-Steig tips: We recommend checking each brewery's opening hours before you start your hike.

 A gentle walk through Franconia's hills

 Fünf-Seidla-Steig® is a circular route that starts at Weissenohe station. It is made up of paths and trails that take you through picture-book fields and forests. Another plus point: the entire route is signposted.

 Time to learn about beer and brewing

 Information boards are located along the route. These explain the different stages of the beer-making process, where the ingredients come from and the hallmarks of good Franconian beer. You get to walk and learn at the same time, in other words.

 Round trip from Weissenohe to Greifenberg (4-6 hours)

 The course of the Fünf-Seidla-Steig® route is signposted (look for the red Frankenweg markings). We have put an overview together for you.

The itinerary begins at Weissenohe station. Cross the B2 road outside the station and walk towards the centre of the village. Go left at the traffic island, and your first brewery is on your right: Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe. From there, follow the street uphill. The red trail markings bring you to Sollenberger Strasse, then left onto Gräfenberger Strasse, then right to Mönchsbergstrasse. Just before the end of the street, leave the trail and take a field track on your left. A picturesque sunken path leads up Mönchsleite hill. Keep right to head into the wood, and continue uphill until you join the Frankenweg path again. Then follow the directions to Gräfenberg, the location of the other four inns. Complete this part of the hike by taking a seat in their lovely surroundings and enjoying a few Seidlas of their beers. You can return home from Gräfenberg station.

(c) Tobias Zuber - Brotzeit
(c) VGN - Anreise nach Weißenohe
(c) VGN - Aussicht auf dem Fünf Seidla Steig
(c) VGN - Wandern auf dem Fünf Seidla Steig
(c) VGN - Biergarten zum Bergschlösschen
Brotzeit © Tobias Zuber
Kirchplatz 8
91322 Gräfenberg
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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