Mountain meadow trail to the Füssener Hütte cabin near Musau (Austria)

Mountain meadow trail to the Füssener Hütte cabin near Musau (Austria)

rest stop
Hiking Trails

The Füssener Hütte cabin features deer antlers on the walls, weather-worn wooden façades and long beer tables.

Deer antlers on the walls, weather-worn wooden façades, long beer tables and soft beds: the Füssener Hütte cabin offers everything a hiker could possibly want. The best thing is that there is no mobile network or Internet connection here! The cabin can be reached from Musau station after a two-and-a-half-hour hike across mountain meadows and forest roads. Tip: although Musau is located in Austria, you can still get there with a regional day ticket for Bavaria!

News and opening hours are available here.

Füssener Hütte cabin
6600 Musau
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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