Visit the Glasmuseum Passau glass museum

Visit the Glasmuseum Passau glass museum

All ages
Historically Relevant

The Bavarian Forest is a region known for glass blowing, and Passau was the centre of this trade for centuries. The glass museum is proof of this.

The Bavarian Forest is a region known for glass blowing, and Passau, the city of three rivers, was the centre of this trade for centuries; artisans sent their wares from here to the rest of the world. The Glasmuseum Passau glass museum is not only home to the largest collection of European glass in the world, but also offers an overview of over 400 years of the glass trade.

News, admission and opening hours are available here.

Glass museum
Schrottgasse 2
94032 Passau
Next station
Passau Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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