eKart-Center Würzburg

eKart-Center Würzburg

Experience with action
rest stop

Faster, quieter and absolutely no exhaust fumes: Once you've had a taste of driving an electric go-kart, you won't want to drive anything else ever again.

When it comes to go-karts, "eKart-Center Würzburg" is aligned with the latest technology. They have made petrol engines a thing of the past, and their karts run purely on electricity. They're more environmentally friendly and apparently faster, say experts. You can decide for yourself whether that's true or not in a race around the 330-metre track. The race course is laid out over two levels, which makes racing all the more exciting. All that whizzing around is bound to work up an appetite, and as luck would have it, the bistro next door serves extremely tasty pizzas! Finally, to complement your environmentally friendly racing experience, why not also leave the car at home and take the train? The go-kart track is around a 20-minute walk from Würzburg-Zell station.

For further information please click here.

eKart-Center Würzburg
Wilhelm-Wien-Straße 9
97080 Würzburg
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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