Under old chestnut trees: the beer garden at the Hacklberger Bräustüberl inn in Passau
Beer garden tables in the shade of old chestnut trees, beer and hearty dishes all add up to a perfect idyll at the Hacklberger Bräustüberl in Passau.
Classic beer garden tables in the shade of old chestnut trees, cool beer and hearty dishes – these all add up to a perfect Bavarian idyll. The beer garden of the Hacklberger Bräustüberl inn serves a hearty Weißwurst (traditional white Bavarian sausage) breakfast. At lunch they offer a small “Bräustüberl tapas” such as mini Grammelknödel (greaves dumplings) with black radishes. Afterwards you only need to cross the Schanzlbrücke bridge and stroll leisurely along the Danube to get to the station, where you can then take the train home, happy and well-fed.
For further information please click here.
Bräuhausplatz 7
94034 Passau
Passau Hbf (main station)
Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.