The "Danube" valley of adventure

The "Danube" valley of adventure

Boat Trips
Hiking Trails

The "Haus am Strom" (house on the current) is dedicated to the flora and fauna that you find around the river Danube, and to the synergy of environment and technology.

The "Haus am Strom" (house on the current) is dedicated to the flora and fauna that you find around the river Danube, and to the synergy of environment and technology. Visitors of all ages will enjoy learning more about the environment in the discovery centre and at the numerous events that take place.

For nature enthusiasts, arriving at the centre is already the first part of the adventure. The best way to get to the Nature Centre from Passau is to roller-blade along the Danube cycle path. Or you could also take the ferry. The jetty is just a 20-minute walk from the station.

Haus am Strom
Am Kraftwerk 4
94107 Untergriesbach
Next station
Passau Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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