A woodland hike through the Ebersberg forest

A woodland hike through the Ebersberg forest

Hiking Trails
Animal Adventures

Calling all bird lovers and friends of the forest: Take a walk through the nature reserve "Egglburger See" near Ebersberg and with a bit of luck, you may spy birds nestling in the reeds.

Calling all bird lovers and friends of the forest: Take a walk through the nature reserve "Egglburger See" near Ebersberg in Upper Bavaria and with a bit of luck, you may hear birdsong and spy these feathered creatures nestling in the reeds. The path continues up towards the Ludwigshöhe to the "Museum Wald und Umwelt" (Museum of Forestry and Environment). The museum has a permanent exhibition, where you can learn about the history of forest use and the relationship between man and nature.

Museum Wald und Umwelt
Ludwigshöhe 2
85560 Ebersberg
Next station
Ebersberg (Oberbayern)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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