The Jagdmuseum hunting museum in Mühldorf

The Jagdmuseum hunting museum in Mühldorf

Interesting Facts

There is a very special type of hunting museum right on Mühldorf town square. It is called “MUSSeum” because according to its curator, Hans Kotter, it is a must-see (“muss” being the German word for “must”).

There is a very special type of hunting museum right on Mühldorf town square. It is called “MUSSeum” because according to its curator, Hans Kotter, it is a must see (“muss” being the German word for “must”). The museum features unusual items: mounted water taps, book worms, jackalopes, teddy bears, Milka cows which have been shot, and a laughing cellar (instead of a wine cellar). 

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Jagdmusseum Mühldorf hunting museum
Stadtplatz 82
84453 Mühldorf am Inn
Next station
Mühldorf (Oberbayern)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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