Ice climbing in Oberstdorf

Ice climbing in Oberstdorf

Experience with action
For Beginners and Experts

Anyone can hack their way along frozen waterfalls and abseil down icicles when they have the right instructor. And it's great fun, too!

In the Allgäu, the ice climbing season starts the moment all the waterfalls freeze over. Equipped with crampons, ropes and ice picks, climbers claw their way up the wall, as if they were Spiderman in winter mode. Fancy a go? Bergschule Oberstdorf school offers two-day ice climbing courses under the instruction of expert mountain guides, suitable for both experienced climbers and newbies. You can look forward to two fun-filled days of thrilling, and of course, safe climbing. All the ice gear that you need can be hired for free. The meeting point is at the office of Bergschule Oberstdorf, which is a 10-minute walk east of Oberstdorf station.

Mountain activities: Bergschule Oberstdorf
Enzenspergerweg 10
87561 Oberstdorf
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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