"Knaus Campingpark" in Nuremberg

"Knaus Campingpark" in Nuremberg

Overnight Stay

Summer in the city: "Knaus Campingpark" is incredibly peaceful, despite being right in the middle of the city.

Knaus Campingpark is incredibly peaceful, despite being right in the middle of the city. Nuremberg's old town, castle and zoo are only five kilometres away and are easy to get to on public transport. The trade fair centre and stadium are also just in the neighbouring part of the city. If you book early, you can even sleep in a mobile home.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

"Knaus Campingpark"
Hans-Kalb-Straße 56
90471 Nuremberg
Next station
Nürnberg Frankenstadion

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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