Trip to Kösseinehaus cabin in the Fichtel mountains

Trip to Kösseinehaus cabin in the Fichtel mountains

rest stop
Hiking Trails

A wonderful trip: Kösseinehaus cabin has been enticing hikers to the Fichtel mountains since 1903.

Kösseinehaus cabin has been enticing hikers to the Fichtel mountains since 1903. Once there, you can sunbathe on the terrace or recover from your hike in the shade of old elm trees in the beer garden. From Marktredwitz onwards, a blue and white signposted hiking trail (about ten kilometres) leads up to the cabin.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Kösseinehaus cabin
Kösseinehaus 1
95632 Wunsiedel
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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