Camp site on Lake Pilsensee

Camp site on Lake Pilsensee

Overnight Stay
City Trip
swimming possibility
Hiking Trails

Mountain views and (beer) culture: You don't need to bring your own tent when staying at this camp site.

You don't need to bring your own tent when staying at this camp site. Instead, you can sleep in a bungalow or a "barrel" – complete with a panoramic Alpine view. Around Lake Pilsensee, there is a lot to do. Seefeld Castle, Andechs Monastery or Munich, for example, are perfect destinations for a day out.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Camping at Lake Pilsensee
Am Pilsensee 2
82229 Seefeld
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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