The best sushi at Lamondi in Bayreuth
You won’t have to search for long if you arrive in Bayreuth hungry – sushi restaurant Lamondi is directly opposite the station at Bahnhofstraße 23.
You won’t have to search long, if you arrive in Bayreuth hungry – sushi restaurant Lamondi is directly opposite the station at Bahnhofstraße 23. If you want delicious, freshly made sushi at reasonable prices, you're in the right place here.
Sushi restaurant Lamondi
Bahnhofstraße 23
95444 Bayreuth
Bahnhofstraße 23
95444 Bayreuth
Next station
Bayreuth Hbf (main station)
Bayreuth Hbf (main station)
Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.