The Further natural pool in Oberhaching

The Further natural pool in Oberhaching

family friendly
swimming possibility
Experience with action

No chlorine, no red eyes, just lots of fun!

The natural pool really deserves its name. The murky 50-metre pool is ideal for sporty swimmers who don't fancy the smell of chlorine or encounters with fish. Thanks to the diving rock, swimming island and water slide, action lovers will also be happy. And the little ones can build dams and mud castles in the play stream. The natural pool is just a 15-minute walk from Furth railway station (near Deisenhofen).

Current information, opening times and admission prices can be found here.

Furth natural pool
Badstraße 5
82041 Oberhaching
Next station
Furth (bei Deisenhofen)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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