Llama trekking near Großhelfendorf

Llama trekking near Großhelfendorf

Animal Adventures
All ages
For groups
Hiking Trails
Children's Birthdays

If you get off at Großhelfendorf, you don't have to walk a quarter of an hour to get to know the exotic sides of Upper Bavaria.

If you get off the S7 in Großhelfendorf, you don't even have to walk a quarter of an hour to get to know the exotic side of Upper Bavaria. In a region where mainly cows and sheep graze on the pastures, they naturally stand out: the llamas from Lamaland Loher. Thousands of kilometres away from their original South American homeland - and yet at home here.

An extraordinary attraction - llama tours at Lamaland Loher

Nevertheless, it is not an everyday sight when Isolde and Hans are out and about with their llamas. They have been offering llama-accompanied tours since 2011 - for young and old, for families and groups of friends, as a birthday surprise or just for fun. As llamas are also used in animal-assisted therapies, they are now also known as the "dolphins of the pasture".

Discoveries on llama backs

The special hiking tours begin with a brief theory about llamas and a chance to sniff each other out before setting off across fields, meadows and hills, through valleys and forests. On the way with a companion at eye level, who only gets a little stubborn when you pull him away from his food. And indeed: precisely because the animals are anything but commonplace in this country, they help you switch off and take you away from everyday life step by step.

Trekking tours with llamas: a special adventure

If you fancy it, you can not only go hiking with llamas, but also go on longer accompanied trekking tours. One route leads through the Mangfall valley up to the Mangfallalm. There you can enjoy coffee and delicious cake. On all-day tours, for example along the Mangfall or to Seehamer See, the animals are also saddled. But not for riding. Llamas are too delicately built for that. Just like their relatives in South America, they transport luggage and provisions. This is a huge relief and motivation boost, and not just for children.

Current information, prices and dates can be found here.

Lamaland Loher
Neugöggenhofen 7
85653 Aying
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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