Sheer bliss at the Ludwigsstadt chocolatier

Sheer bliss at the Ludwigsstadt chocolatier

Food highlight
family friendly

Learn from the best! At Confiserie Lauenstein you can look over chocolatiers’ shoulders, as they work at making pralines, and can also have a go yourself.

Production is carried out behind glass at Confiserie Lauenstein chocolatier, meaning visitors get a glimpse into the noble art of confectionery. Between 9:00 and 14:00 you can look through the glass and watch the chocolatiers at work making pralines – and even make some yourself. This is fantastic, especially when you have a child with you that you need to entertain over the holiday period. And finally, you can yield to sweet temptation and buy some goodies for the journey home from their in-house shop. How to get there: once you arrive at Ludwigstadt station, it’s around a ten-minute walk from the Bahnhofstraße to Lauensteiner Straße, which will take you to the chocolatier.

For further information please click here.

Confiserie Lauenstein chocolatier
Lauensteiner Straße 41
96337 Ludwigsstadt
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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